Thursday, April 2, 2009

Current Projects

Trash n' Treasure Garage Sale

City maps will be provided to anybody who wants to have a map with a page indicating the locations of each of the local garage sale. We also hope to have the location page available online for people to download. Possibly the Pennyworth would be able to put a page in their publication the Thursday prior containing the map with all the locations on it.

We are discussing having a sign made to lead people to a specific location (possibly the info centre? or a parking lot?) in order to get more information and pick up a map. Perhaps setting up a small trailer as our own information booth. Balloons will also be given out to participating garage sale hosts so that every garage sale registered with the city wide garage sale is easily identifiable. These balloons will be available at Healthy Habits.

Hedge Pledge

We are currently working on developing our "Hedge Pledge".
The Hedge Pledge is designed to raise funds in order to purchase suitable plants and shrubs that will be planted behind the billboards as you come into town. These plants have been designated by a local nursery as being suitable to grow in that location. We have received a "bare bones" cost on these plants. We have also been granted a tag day from the city and will be out collecting donations in about 6 (QF, Liquore Store, Buy Low, Safeway, Fairway, Zellers, Adelaide Mall, Canadian Tire, Shoppers, Extra Foods) locations around town on May 8th and 9th. Young Life members will be manning these stations, and will be receiving a portion of the proceeds for their time. We hope to have a card table at each station with some sort of signage promoting the site we are improving, as well as Young Life.

If you or anyone you know is interested in donating or volunteering your time please post here and someone will contact you, or post on the forum under the thread "Meeting Reminder". A group email will be provided soon.

Updates: Setting up a "fake" tree planting to get some publicity through shaw cable for our Hedge Pledge.

Putting in garage sale ads (hopefully free) in all the major newspapers reaching communities within good driving distance.

Hoping to go to motels to see if we can get a special rate for out of towners? - Also talking to artisans/retailers about setting up an area so they can sell their wares (if they dont have a retail location).

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