Thursday, January 29, 2009

Meeting #2 - January 29th 2009

Just getting started! Bear with us as we get our stuff in order and the ideas start flowing. It looks like we're starting with the presentation on alternate transportation.

I will be uploading the entire presentation as supplied to me later so everyone can see exactly what we heard at the meeting.

Friday, January 16, 2009

And so....

And so history was made (I believe..someone correct me if I am wrong!).
What history? a meeting about ideas for the Valley? pffftttttt...been many of those!
No. The history set was a 'grass-roots' meeting, not arranged by any political group, PR company hired by Chamber, Business, Council etc.
Oh! and lets not forget...the first ever live blogging event in the Valley!

Ok, so some details;

18 Residents from all walks attended 'in person'.
4 Residents and non-residents actively participated in the live blogging
179 Viewing - who knows who they were - viewed the blog while the live blogging was taking place.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

PARIC Meeting Part 1

Bear with me as this is all new to me! Basically I'm going to outline the important points the best I can with as much detail possible in ONE large post. After the meeting I'll narrow it down into a few individual posts - that way people can comment on individual issues after the meeting. This will be the easiest and less messy way to get through this for this initial meeting. Hopefully this is "acceptable" to those of you tuned in :)

Live Blogging Tonight!

The meeting location is right beside the Circle Dairy at 10th & Cedarwood.
See you all there Thursday (15th of Jan.) at 6:30ish (pm).Looking forward to watching the live blogging here tonight!
(I'm actually attending another meeting at the same time as attending your meeting here! LOVE IT!)
Good Luck & HAVE FUN!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


The Port Alberni Revitalization Initiation Committee was born at, or, Jack's Place.
Thank you Jack for providing the space for it to happen!

Credit is due to a poster on that board who goes by the handle WestCoastR. The post made was this:

"I can see from the posts thus far, that P.A is in a bit of a crossroads...
I would like to know from you, fellow P.A'ers just what idea you have to resurrect this poor little town
No judgements, no hassles.. How 'bout having a great little brainstorming session here?
Let me know if you have anything, k?"

As so it began and some 23 pages later here we are with a bunch of folks who stepped up and organized a meeting place, equipment, coffee etc.

The Poster who made the noted post is known to me...he saved my life.
Were it not for his efforts I would have not made it onto the Coast Guard rescue chopper dispatched to retrieve me.
I most certainly would have met my maker that August day many years ago were it not for this fellow.

So here in this space we hope to provide live-blogging for meetings held by this determined & dedicated group of Jane & Joe Port Albernian's who wish to see their community thrive!

Good luck and thank you again to Jack & WestCoastR! xo

Totem @ Teshaht Gas Bar