Thursday, January 15, 2009

Live Blogging Tonight!

The meeting location is right beside the Circle Dairy at 10th & Cedarwood.
See you all there Thursday (15th of Jan.) at 6:30ish (pm).Looking forward to watching the live blogging here tonight!
(I'm actually attending another meeting at the same time as attending your meeting here! LOVE IT!)
Good Luck & HAVE FUN!


  1. This is where you add your comments the bloggers will check here often for your input, provide it to the group and obtain feedback!

    Have fun!

  2. good luck with the meeting! will be watching and reading to see what is happening! :)

  3. Just hope I can keep up with all the ideas being presented :) I'll do my best haha.


  4. any ideas being mentioned yet?

  5. not yet, meeting is a little slow to start. Just introductions and getting materials, etc :) I've got a post started but its not yet substantial enough :)

  6. I am home now and this meeting has been on my mind all many pro-active people in one room...looking forward to witnessing a part of the beginning of creative minds, actively coming together to create change for the positive growth of our community we live in. Applaud yourselves for taking this step forward, look around at who you are as you make yourselves known, for the beginning of the future will be in the hands of people who willingly chose that it was time!

  7. any ideas come forward yet? Is the meeting still going? what is happening? do tell please :)
