Friday, January 16, 2009

And so....

And so history was made (I believe..someone correct me if I am wrong!).
What history? a meeting about ideas for the Valley? pffftttttt...been many of those!
No. The history set was a 'grass-roots' meeting, not arranged by any political group, PR company hired by Chamber, Business, Council etc.
Oh! and lets not forget...the first ever live blogging event in the Valley!

Ok, so some details;

18 Residents from all walks attended 'in person'.
4 Residents and non-residents actively participated in the live blogging
179 Viewing - who knows who they were - viewed the blog while the live blogging was taking place.


  1. What date and time is the next meeting taking place please?

    Sorry all for not making the inaugural meeting; looks like it was a blast though!!

  2. Next meeting is January 29th at 7:00pm!
